Dec. 15, 2023

Failed Podcast Shows with Robert Brill

In this episode of Podcast Host Army, Josh and Robert Brill discuss the challenges of podcasting, drawing from Robert's experience with his previous podcast that failed despite having 130 episodes. Robert explains the failure was due to the podcast not monetizing and attracting small clients, which distracted him from his core advertising business. He expresses his intention to launch a new podcast, this time focusing on interviewing agencies to attract higher-value clients. The host emphasizes the importance of aligning the podcast's target audience with the host's goals, sharing his own past misalignment experiences.

I'm excited to share some insights from my recent podcast episode where I had an enlightening conversation with Robert Brill, the host of LA Business Podcast. We delved into the nitty-gritty of podcasting, its challenges, and the lessons learned from failures.

1️⃣ The Unforeseen Challenges of Podcasting Robert shared his journey with his previous podcast, which despite running for 130 episodes, didn't quite hit the mark. The podcast was intended to connect with potential clients, but it ended up attracting a smaller audience than anticipated, and it wasn't monetizing as expected. This experience taught us that podcasting, like any other business, can have its pitfalls.

2️⃣ The Importance of Alignment One of the key takeaways from our conversation was the importance of aligning your podcast's target audience with your goals and interests. Robert's experience highlighted that a misalignment can lead to unexpected outcomes. I too shared my own experience of misalignment in the past, emphasizing that we learn more from our failures than our successes.

3️⃣ The Future of Podcasting Despite the challenges, Robert is not giving up on podcasting. He plans to launch a new podcast, but this time with a different approach. He aims to focus on interviewing agencies, which aligns more closely with his advertising agency and targets a higher tier value offer.

This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone interested in podcasting or learning from the experiences of others. I invite you to listen to the full episode and join us on this journey of continuous learning and growth.

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Josh (00:00:03) - All right. We got five minutes on the clock. What is your name and what is your podcast show?

Robert (00:00:07) - Robert Brill business podcast. Business podcast.

Josh (00:00:11) - Com awesome. Now, before we hit record, we were talking about some failures. Let's talk about podcasting failures.

Robert (00:00:19) - The whole thing is a failure. I had a podcast have like 130 different episodes recorded for like year and a half, something like that. And I just stopped doing it because I felt like it wasn't the best use of my time.

Josh (00:00:31) - Which which show was that?

Robert (00:00:33) - The business podcast.

Josh (00:00:35) - The actual show that we're talking about here. Okay, 130 episodes in you made you met tons of people, created tons of content. Why was it a failure?

Robert (00:00:45) - Um, it wasn't monetizing for me. And it it was taking me away from my core business, which is running an advertising agency.

Josh (00:00:54) - So you have an advertising agency, you created a business. Did you find no ways to connect the two, or was it always did a separate mission? No.

Robert (00:01:03) - They were they were connected. The goal of the podcast was to hear stories of how businesses grow in scale, and the mission was meet people and turn some of them into clients, and some of them did turn into clients, which was good, but they were small clients, which was good at the time because we were looking at small business solutions and we're incidentally restarting small business solutions. But at the time, the small business solution was too complex and we weren't charging enough for it. So the business we were getting from the podcast wasn't working, and the volume of clients we were getting from the podcast wasn't working as well. So we just quit it.

Josh (00:01:45) - Wow. How long ago did you quit it?

Robert (00:01:48) - Um, around a year and a half ago now. So like around the last recording was May of 2022 or something like that or something. And then we recorded one one off maybe a few months ago, but. May 2022.

Josh (00:02:01) - Copy that. Now when you're when stopping a podcast show, do you have any desires to ever launch another one?

Robert (00:02:08) - Yeah, I do, um.

Josh (00:02:11) - But we do differently.

Robert (00:02:13) - Well, I would make it more high value. Um, so small business advertising, you need a lot of volume to make it work. Like if we charge 1500 or $2000 a month for for marketing services, you need a lot of that. We weren't ready for that. A large number of our clients are actually other agencies. We do white label media buying. So like, you know, search, social display, connected TV, but for other agencies clients. So I would interview agencies, right. Any one agency that we work with could could bring us ten clients, not one. So it's a different setup.

Josh (00:02:49) - What a what.

Josh (00:02:50) - A great learning lesson that you got from those from that first launch. Because now you're interviewing your agency. They want to, you know, share their stories and stuff like that. But you guys could talk at a higher level because they're already buying stuff. They're already understand.

Robert (00:03:06) - We're peers. You know, it's a different equation. Yeah.

Josh (00:03:09) - And when you're interviewing a business owner, they may have never bought ads before. So they might not even be an ideal client.

Robert (00:03:17) - We didn't we also didn't do a lot of vetting. I mean, we have like our biggest podcast guests. There's three interesting things. The biggest podcast guest was the CEO of Saatva, the mattress company, which is great. Ron Hudson, I believe. Yeah. Um, our most our best performing podcast episode is this guy named Jason White. I believe that's his name, who sells a course on how to get government contracts. And his video, his interview on our YouTube is killing it. Like, I'm getting followers all day, but they're for him, not for me.

Josh (00:03:49) - Yeah, I get it. So the next podcast you launched will be more specific to our higher tier value offer for you with peers, and I think that's a great lesson for, for us, like going in because I built, you know, 15 of these. I've done 2000 interviews. And if I could look back on my failures, it was there was a misalignment on who I was, who I'm trying to serve, and my guests.

Josh (00:04:12) - So a really good lesson. Robert. So for the next one, when do we think that that one's going to launch? We would really like to know.

Robert (00:04:19) - No I'm not. It's like it's like number 20 on a list of five of things I got to do.

Josh (00:04:25) - Yeah, but we could learn so much from a failed attempt. And I really find that valuable. And I think other podcasters will find that valuable too, because anybody here in the audience could go, yeah, me too. I've shut down a, you know, ten of them so far. Right. So Robert, good job getting out there and building a bunch of them. Where can people go to connect with you and maybe look at what you're doing?

Robert (00:04:45) - Brill media SEO and boy, are I media had contact us and you can have a marketing strategy call with me.

Josh (00:04:52) - Awesome. If you're a podcaster looking to grow and monetize your show, I'd love to have a conversation with you on this podcast. And we could talk all under five minutes.

Josh (00:05:01) - We'll see you all on the next episode. Bye everyone.


Robert BrillProfile Photo

Robert Brill


Robert Brill has worked in advertising for 20 years, and is the CEO of Brill Media, a digital advertising agency for scalable business growth. The company has been honored 10 times across Inc 5000 and Financial Times 500.