Dec. 13, 2023

Selling a Podcast Show with Sean Douglas

In this episode of Podcast Host Army, Sean Douglas shares his strategies for monetizing podcasts. He discusses how interviewing event organizers has helped him secure speaking opportunities, and how selling a podcast show can be profitable, as evidenced by his own experience. He advises tracking downloads, subscribers, and engagement to determine a show's value. Sean also suggests buying and reviving "pod faded" shows. He highlights the importance of networking at podcast events like Pod Fest and Outliers Podcast Festival.

Joining us today on Podcast Host Army is the renowned podcast host, Sean Douglas, from Create Launch Monetize Podcast and From No Worth to Self-Worth. Sean has some incredible insights to share from his journey in the podcasting world, so let's dive right in!

  1. Leveraging Podcasts for Speaking Opportunities: Sean has successfully built a speaking business by using his podcast as a platform. He shares his strategy of interviewing event organizers and building rapport with them, which not only helps secure speaking opportunities but also promotes his podcast.
  2. Networking at Podcast Events: Sean highlights the importance of attending podcast events like Pod Fest and Outliers Podcast Festival. These events provide valuable networking opportunities and can lead to exciting speaking engagements.
  3. Monetizing by Selling Your Podcast: Did you know that you can monetize your podcast by selling it? Sean shares his personal experience of selling his own radio show in 2021 after 476 episodes. He emphasizes the significance of tracking downloads, subscribers, and engagement to determine the value of your show.
  4. Reviving "Pod Faded" Shows: Sean introduces a unique idea of acquiring neglected podcasts and breathing new life into them. This strategy allows podcasters to expand their portfolio and reach a wider audience.

These snippets from Sean's expertise are just the tip of the iceberg. To delve deeper into these topics and gain more valuable insights, make sure to tune in to his podcasts. Together, let's explore the fascinating world of podcasting and unlock the secrets of successful monetization!

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Enjoy The Show


Josh (00:00:03) - All right. We got five minutes on the clock. What is your name? And you have two podcast shows. Tell us the name of your shows. Yeah, my name is Shawn Douglas, and I'm the host of Create launch monetized podcast. And from knoweth to self worth show and one's a business show. One is a motivational, inspirational, uh, just all about self-worth and self love. So that's super cool man. Let's talk about the money side, right. Because you have a show focused on monetization. Give us some tips there. Like how do you how do you make money podcasting. Because I'm sure you get that question all the time, right? All the time. What I've done actually is I've built a pretty big speaker business, and I've used my podcast to do that. So if I want to speak at a conference or if I want to get in on something, I'll just interview the host or the organizer of that event. Well in advance. Like I already know well in advance that this is going to happen.

Josh (00:01:03) - And so I basically interview the organizer, we talk about the event, and then when we get offline, I'm like, wow, that sounds like a really cool event. I was like, you know, I speak on business or I speak on leadership, you know, if you need any other speakers. And they're like, oh, okay, well, here's the application and here's it, because I already built a rapport with them. I already had a conversation with them. I brought them into my world and I'm promoting the event. Yeah. Also, as a podcaster, there is Pod Fest, which I speak at every year. There's Outliers Podcast Festival that I that I am a part of and speak at every year. Then there's indie Pod con, Indie Pods United. There's a whole bunch of podcast events where podcasters get together and they're always looking for speakers. So as a podcaster with multiple shows and I sold my radio show that I created in 2017, I sold that in 2021 after 476 episodes.

Josh (00:01:55) - And so I speak a lot about how you can sell a podcast, and that's a way to monetize it as well. So I sold that show, created two more, and now I co-host a third. So it's just this is my this is my world. This is my life. Yeah. And then I'm actually looking to I've sold the podcast show too. And people are like, what? You could sell a podcast show. I'm like, yes, yeah, we're actually looking to buy some podcast shows. Let's talk about that. How do you sell a podcast show? Okay, so in order to sell you would have to figure out, you know, based on downloads, based on subscribers inside of your show notes, you have all of your links to your guides, to your workshops, to everything. Right? Yeah. And there's a way that you can track, like if you let's say you use charitable. So charitable is a way that you can track like how your show is doing. You have tracking links that you that your show has.

Josh (00:02:51) - You can then put it in different spots. There is a way that you can see like, okay, I know that this sale was made from this show and then based on how many sales you get from your show. That's how many. I don't know how many dollars or, you know, whatever the whatever the cost, whatever the valuation of that is. Plus, not only that is some people you'll have like a free like, hey, join our email list, join our, you know, whatever. And then you'll see, like this person clicked on your link and you know, you built an email list and you can see every week it's growing. So what you do is you look at your email list, you look at the monetization of your email list combined with the monetization of the podcast, because you're always going to put a link in there to sell a guide, to sell a course to something, right? How much does the podcast make? How much does your email list make? Combine those together because you're going to sell the whole email list.

Josh (00:03:44) - You're all of your email list is going to go all of your subscribers all like everything's going to go right. All the branding, everything. This is how much the podcast makes me in in a month. And it could be a speaking gig if I get a speaking gig from the podcast. How much money did it? Like any money attributed to that? Boom. Done. Yeah, yeah. Super cool. I think that's that's fascinating because a lot of people, they're like, I'm going to start a podcast show and I want to be on your show. And you did a good job about setting up branding and all this stuff. I've had so many people come to me and they go, how about I just buy yours? Or why don't I just be on your show? And then I was thinking, I was like, why don't I just sell this to you? And they're like, yeah, we don't want to start something. We want to take something and grow it. So let's do this, man.

Josh (00:04:31) - For people who want to learn from you and to, you know, dive into your podcast show. What are the names of your podcast shows one more time, okay, create, launch, monetize podcast. And from no worth to self worth, what people should actually do is buy pod faded shows. That's what they should do and reinvigorate them. So good. And to do that, they can go to check out your shows, learn about this and how to do that. And guys listening in podcasters and potential podcasters, I hope you enjoyed these shows. We tried to do this all under five minutes. Have a great day!

Sean Douglas

3x TEDx Speaker, Podcaster, Positioning Strategist, 2x Bestselling Author has 3 different bios and all the social media links and links to the podcasts